Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sunday July 1, 2012... Planted beets, turnips, spinach and green beans.

A few days ago I noticed that quite a few of the bareroot strawberry plants that I had planted did not make it.  I am not sure what happened.  But I guess that is a lesson learned.  Order more strawberry plants than you think you will have room for (Which is what I did).  So now I have 12 plants which will multiply and create quite a few more!

With the demise of the strawberry plants, I suddenly had space in the garden.  So I planted beets, turnips, spinach and green beans.  

I worked up the soil with a hand held cultivator and mixed in a little of the 10-10-10 fertilizer... followed the directions on the container.  Then I planted the beets, turnips and spinach  1/2" deep, 1" apart, in rows 12" apart.  I soaked the bean seed overnight and then dusted the seeds with legume inoculant (see earlier post on inoculant).  Then I planted the bean seeds 1" deep, 2" apart, in rows 24" apart.  

I labeled each row with one of my homemade labels... made by recycling a plastic milk jug. 

2 rows of beets, 2 rows of beans, and one row each of spinach and turnips.  

With the arrival of hot weather, the challenge will be to keep the soil moist so that the seeds sprout.  If it does not rain, I will be watering daily.

We picked 1 pound of snap peas, two head of lettuce and two cups of raspberries.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just getting squash, zucchini, and a tomato or two out of my garden. The green beans are just about ready, and the jalapenos are on but not ripe. We did pick a couple of armenian cucumbers the other night. The watermelon are on, but not big and the onions don't have bulbs yet. This week I have a class to teach and they are all coming to see my raised beds and straw bales. There were so many weeds we just used the weedeater and gave up trying to pull them. The bermuda grass is just horrible. Next year I'm using more straw bale beds as there isn't any weeding in them.
