Sunday, August 5, 2012

Zucchetta Rampicante is ready!            

Also known as 'Tromboncino' squash, a Washington State University publication refers to it as the Garden Gorilla of Italy.  Once you have grown this, you know why.  This squash is amazing!  It grows vigorously and rampantly, with 10-foot long vines climbing all over the place.  The squash do well trellised and that is why I installed that fence panel as a trellis.  This is no weakling squash.  It is strong and it is prolific.  I grew it in Idaho... trained it up strings on a redwood privacy fence in the back yard.  It is very tasty.  The seeds are all in the bulbous end.  And, no... it is not a gourd!

It was 95 degrees yesterday and is 88 degrees today.  It was so hot and humid, all we could think of was where to hang out to keep cool!  I should have picked the squash yesterday... but I didn't.  Here is a picture of all the squash I picked today!  

It was time to hill up the potatoes again.  I added another six inches of soil.  

Harvested today:  
25 pounds of squash!  Yikes!!!

If you want to read more about Zucchetta Rampicante, here is the link to the Washington State University horticultural bulletin.

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