Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Radishes and Rain

If I could characterize the last half of May and the month of June... I would use two words... Radishes and Rain!  

We have had a lot of rain!  It seems as if we have had only five or six days of sunshine for a month and a half!  The rainfall has really helped the garden to grow.  I have not had to use any supplemental water from the household water supply to keep everything going.  

The Cherry Belle radishes are doing great!  

I have had enough radishes to eat them out of hand, sliced in salads, sliced in vinegar and even tried them stir fried after reading of such a thing from another gardener, Mark Ridsdill Smith, who blogs about growing vegetables on his small balcony while residing in London, England.  He also has a facebook page which I encourage you to check out.  It is called "Vertical Veg".  Mark recommended using the early thinnings of radishes by lightly sauteeing them for greens!

I stir fried the greens and the sliced roots with garlic and they were delicious!  For those who are interested, I will post pictures of this recipe in the very next blog.

Have a great day!

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