Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sauteed Radish Greens and Roots

As promised, here is the recipe

for Sauteed Radish Greens and Roots

Wash the radishes really well removing all the soil from the roots and leaves.

Cut off and discard the root ends and the part of the plant where the stems attach to the roots.  Slice the roots and the leaves.

Slice one clove of garlic and sautee the garlic in olive oil until it is barely golden brown.

Add the sliced radish roots and stir fry briefly until you see the slices begin to become transparent. It only takes about 30 seconds or so.  Add the leaves and stir fry just until the greens are slightly wilted.  

Serve immediately.  Salt to taste and/or add Bragg's Liquid Aminos for seasoning.  

Enjoy... It is delicious!

Have a great day!

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