Thursday, December 3, 2015

The August Garden

Some Pictures From my August Garden

The garden looks pretty good!  Everything is starting to grow and recover from the heat we had in July!

At the beginning of August the broccoli was doing well under the row cover. 

The beans I had planted came up and were growing.  

Then we had another blast of heat.

 Then I noticed that something was eating the broccoli leaves.

It turned out to be hordes of earwigs munching away!  They would  hide under leaves and bricks during the day, and would come out at night and enjoy my broccoli!  I did not want to put insecticide on the broccoli plants, so every morning I would go out and pull back the leaves, lift up the bricks and scoop up the earwigs and go throw them into the chicken pen.  The hens loved to gobble them up!

Then, I discovered that the bean plants were slowly disappearing.  The earwigs were eating them, also.  However, I also noticed that little divots were appearing in the soil, and the beans were dug up and/or nibbled on.

Diligent observation revealed that the cute little quail that frequented my yard, were enjoying the garden soil for a dust bath, and also nibbling on the bean plants.  

 On a hopeful note, by the end of August my winter squash was beginning to thrive.  A small Delicata squash on the left, and an immature Spaghetti squash on the right.

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