Sunday, December 6, 2015

The October Garden

Here it was October, and I finally felt like I was in the harvest season. Tomatoes and summer squash were really coming on.  I had plenty to eat and extra to freeze and dehydrate for the winter.  

Picking summer squash became a daily event.

Tomatoes were getting ripe.  I was enjoying them fresh in salads and on tacos.  I had extra so I blanched, peeled and froze them to use in soups and stews.  I also dehydrated some.  

The broccoli plants began to bolt!  I tried to eat a few of the bolted stalks and flowers.  They were tough, fibrous and not very tasty. So I cut all the flowering stalks off and hoped that they would produce a few more edible heads before hard frost.  

If you look really carefully, you can see a tiny butterfly in there!

There it is!  Brephidium exilis, the Pygmy Blue!
(picture taken on October 10)

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