Monday, January 18, 2016

The November Garden - November 2, 2016

The Impending Frost ....

Here it was, November, and we had not yet had a hard frost.  Every night seemed to get colder, so I was trying to get all the vegetables harvested and stored for the winter.   

November 2 was the date.  I was out in the garden, picking everything I could. 

Winter Squash! - Clockwise from top left: Tetsukabuto, heirloom Vermicelli, Sweet Mama, Sweet Dumpling, Orange Magic, Delicata and Red Kuri


Tomatoes - After bringing them in the house in a cardboard box, I set them  in a single layer, on the kitchen counter.  I could easily spot the ones that were ripe and use them first.  The green tomatoes would gradually ripen over the next several weeks.

Cherry tomatoes - Yummy!  I ate these in salads every day.  

Tomatillos - I removed the husks, cooked them down a little and then froze them.  I will use them to make salsa verde.  

Eggplant and Peppers 

Cantaloupe, Cucumbers and some tiny Zucchetta!

Even with all the scorching days of the summer that had set the garden back, I still had plenty to harvest. 

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