Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Garden Catchup - April and May 2016

I went away on a trip for two weeks.  I had left the garden covered in fabric.  I was hoping that it would protect the plants.  

I covered everything before I went on this early Spring trip. 

11 April 2016 - Just back from my trip and uncovered the beds.
Garlic in the foreground with some romaine seedlings.
Peas in the background.  Carrots, chard and kale in the upper left.  

Carrots and curly kale picked on April 11, 2016. 

Chard picked 11 April 2016.

3 May 2016 - the peas are doing well.
The quail are back to their tricks of digging holes in the nice soft garden soil!.

5 May 2016 - Planting white onion sets.  

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