Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 20...Hilling up Potatoes............&  Peppers, Tomatoes and Tomatillos are Blooming!               

Warm weather has arrived.  We are forcasted for 90+ degree days.  Those of you who know me, please don't laugh... I realize that 90+ degrees is nothing... but it is something for Vermont!

The potatoes are about 10 inches tall.  It is slightly past time to hill them up.  As the potatoes stems and leaves grow, it is important to "hill up" the soil around them.  That way, the potato plants will develop new potatoes all the way up the stem (as long as it is covered with enough soil).  In addition, developing potatoes shouldn't be exposed to sunlight or their skin will turn green with solanine.  Solanine is poisonous.  So you want to be sure that your developing potatoes are covered with soil!

Here is a picture of the row of potatoes before hilling up.

Here is a picture after hilling up...

Everything in the garden is growing pretty good now.  The Peppers, Tomatoes and Tomatillos are blooming.  

Here is one of the Anaheim chile pepper plants in bloom.  You can see some tiny little peppers developing.

Tomato plant in bloom

Tomatillo plant in bloom

A close-up of the tomatillo flower.

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