Friday, June 1, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend - May 27

May 27... 

I got the tomatoes and peppers planted!  

I have devoted two of the 4' x 8' beds to tomatoes and peppers!  I have Sweet Million Cherry tomato, Indigo Blue tomato and Early Girl tomatoes.  The peppers are Garden Salsa, Ancho, Coyame Jalapeno and Bell. 

I amended the beds with a bag of compost and then added some 16-16-16 slow release fertilizer to the soil.  I planted the tomatoes 3 feet apart, and fairly deeply... up to their first set of true leaves.  I planted the peppers, 18" apart and so that the garden soil is at the same level as the soil in their little individual peat pots.  

In another one of the 4' x 8' beds I  planted three tomatillo plants that I started indoors.  I bought the seeds from Nichols Garden Seeds.  They had Tomatillo (regular) and Purple Tomatillo and Pineapple Tomatillo.   I bought all three varieties and planted seedlings of each.   Then, to fill out that bed, I seeded a row each of carrots and rutabagas.

Here is a picture of the tomato and pepper plants.

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