Friday, June 1, 2012

May 29... squash, melons and cucumbers planted...      

No more room at the inn!  I had all these squash, melon and cucumber seedlings and no place left to plant them!  What to do.... what to do....!

The solution became apparent as I had used most of the soil from that large pile to fill the wooden framed garden beds, but there was still some soil left over and a large bare spot in the middle of the back yard where the pile of soil had been.  I had kind of over planned... planned to grow more vegetables than I actually had space for in those frames!  So after some consideration, I decided to double dig the packed soil in the bare spot and then rake it into rows and use that for our squash, melons and cucumbers.

It was a bigger job than it seemed.  The bare spot had been used in the past as a location to burn debris.  As I dug and raked I uncovered lots and lots of rusty nails and screws, old brass hinges and broken panes of glass, bricks and tile fragments and lots of unidentifiable miscellaneous junk! 

I planted the seedlings about 30" apart.  (Some ended up 24" apart.) 

Here is what the beds and rows looked like when I was finished planting.

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