Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cleaned out Rest of Garden Beds and Raspberry Bed - April 25

I cleaned out the rest of the garden beds and the raspberry bed. That means, I pulled all the grass and weeds and raked the seed beds smooth so that they are ready for planting.   

In the above photograph, you can see the row labels of peas and radishes. The labels look like little white headstones poking up above the side of the raised bed. I interplanted the peas and radishes among the tulips and Sedum spectabile. The tulips will be gone before the peas are ready to pick and the radishes will be ready to pull before the Sedum gets so tall that it would shade the radishes.

In the raspberry bed (below), I carefully used my fingers like a rake removing all the leaves which remained from last Fall.
It is important to be aware that new little raspberry plants sprouting up from the root are very tender and easily knocked off.  

I am disappointed that only four of the raspberry plants which I planted last year made it through the winter.  The ones that are left are the hardy ones, I am sure.  No weak-sauce raspberry plants will survive in this garden!!!

Below is a closeup of the developing leaves on a raspberry cane.

Have a nice day!

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