Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is It Spring.... YET???

Never mind the groundhog... we have had a few sunny days and that always starts to wake up the gardening urge that may have been dormant for the winter...  and it does feel like Spring!  It is hard to believe that we had seven inches of snow fall two weeks ago!  

Then, March went out like a lion.  We have had quite a bit of wind and some rain showers, so the grass is starting to green up.  However, the soggy ground has made it difficult to actually work in the garden.

A brief survey of the garden shows there is a lot of clean up to be done in the garden beds.

A few tulips are coming up!

At least a few of the strawberry plants that I put in last Spring survived the winter!

I definitely have my work cut out for me!


  1. Stephanie, your garden beds look better than mine;) I have major clean up to do, but my rhubarb is looking good! ~Teri

    1. Hi Teri, Last fall I nursed along many of the garden plants as long as I could. When they finally froze... I just left them in place. Now I am dealing with it! My rhubarb hasn't come up yet! ~Stephanie

  2. You are truly amazing. I am putting in three sets of straw bale garden beds. Will have to take photos to share. Miss you!!!

    1. Darcy,
      Thank you! Yes, I look forward to seeing your garden photos! ~Stephanie
