Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I filled two more raised bed frames...     

with soil.  

This actually happened on Sunday May 13, 2012.

First I lined each raised bed frame with four layers of corrugated cardboard that I got from the recycle (landfill).  The cardboard smothers out the grass and weeds and will eventually decompose.  

Here is a picture of the raised bed frame with layers of cardboard in the bottom.  The bricks and pavers are in there just to hold the cardboard down in case there is some wind.

Next I used a shovel and wheelbarrow and moved the dirt from the pile over to the raised bed frame.  

There's the pile of soil, and the implements to move it! 

It took 6 wheelbarrow load of soil to fill each frame... and each load was approximately 30 shovel fulls!  

Here's what the beds look like now!

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