Sunday, May 13, 2012

I moved to New England last summer ...

and started this garden.  I was very late getting it planted. Probably not until September!  Since it is tough to grow vegetables in the shade... and we have lots of maple trees and pine trees shading the yard... I looked for the sunniest spot in the yard!  I tried digging in that area and discovered that the soil is thin and there are many, many rocks.  My boyfriend suggested raised garden beds.  So, we purchased 2"x6"x8' boards and built 4 raised garden beds.  Three of the beds are 4'x8' and the last garden bed is 4'x4'.  I purchased some leftover tomato, pepper and squash seedlings from a few nurseries and got them planted and also I planted some radishes and green beans with seeds from the local home improvement store.  I ended up with a few tomatoes, a few peppers, a few squash, some great radishes and a good one-time crop of green beans.

If this had been my first time gardening, I might have given it up!  But my past experience told me that I really needed to get the garden going earlier... with some healthier vegetable seedlings... and so that was my plan for 2012.

Here is a picture of the vegetable garden covered in snow... the winter of 2011.

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