Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The raspberries are in their bed...

The big push today was to get the raspberries planted in their bed!  

I spread 2" of organic compost evenly over the top of the soil and added another 2" of the soil-compost mix that I have been using in the raised garden beds.

Then I dug it all in, turning it over.  The first time through, with every shovelful, I uncovered many more rocks.  I removed them and also broke up any hard clods of dirt.  Then I repeated the procedure turning it all over a second time.  This time, I could tell the compost had become more incorporated into the soil.  There were no more clods and the soil seemed very light.  

I measured off the area and began to plant the raspberry canes 24" apart and at the same depth they had been in the nursery.  Then I watered them in real well.  

Here is what they look like!  You can see that the canes look pretty much like sticks.  But some of them have buds that have already sprouted little branches and leaves.  Soon the canes will become acclimated and send out new roots and then branches and leaves.  

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